Sorry for the wall of text. :)
First let me say we had no issues where things would suddenly just pop behind the grid during play - I must have been thinking of when I or someone else logged out and back in or maybe someone clicked something. I don't think that's the issue.
We did play yesterday and continued to have the layer issues - our GM disconnected a few times due to lag on his end and would have to reset them after each.
In fact, I just ran some tests for you - I joined our game table, we had all the icons off to the side for the night. So I put some onto the grid space we are using and as soon as I let go of them they disappear behind the grid which should be at back with the pieces up front.
The first thing I did was click on the grid and set it to back, that did nothing. So I moved the grid to the side, selected all the pieces and set them to front. When I moved the grid back over the pieces, the pieces were now properly at front and visible over the grid. However, this also actually "fixed" the issue for some items I did not move to the front - on the left of our game space are some counters we use and I had moved the grid on top of them so I could set the pieces forward. When I set the pieces forward, the counters also poped to the front even though I did not select the counters when I did moved the pieces forward. I know I didn't have the counters selected as the box simply wasn't big enough.
Now everything was where it should be.
After that I left the game table and rejoined and once again the pieces on the map were behind the map. This time I was able to bring the pieces back into view by simply clicking on the grid and moving it to back - typically in a game with other players connected this does not work - you must move the grid and set the pieces to front, then things work properly.
Again everything was where it should be.
I left the game table again and rejoined and once again the pieces on the map were behind the map. This time I slid the grid onto the counters and only 3 of 13 counters were showing above the grid. Why those 3 I have no idea. I specifically only selected the pieces (not the counter or the grid) and moved the pieces to front. When I did that, 12 of the 13 counters and some other small details all poped up onto the grid. I suspect the 1 counter that didn't pop up (very top right) is simply at bottom too so just stayed under the grid. When I moved the grid back over the pieces, they were on top just fine.
So I did another test - I selected every object on the game space, grids, counters, pieces, squiggles, everything, and set them to "Front". Did it in a few groups to make sure I got everything. As soon as I did it, the pieces, while in "front", were actually behind the grid.
I now set the grid to Back and the pieces on it showed up fine - pieces on top of grid. I logged out of the game table and logged back in once again the pieces I had set to be on top of the grid were behind it.
I then took another item and put it partially on the grid and the part that was on the gird was actually behind the grid, even though I had previously set it to front and the grid to back before logging out and back in. To fix it, I selected ONLY the partially covered piece and moved it to front, when I did that, all of the pieces poped to up on top of the grid.
Summary -
When I join a game with nobody there, things are out of place from where they were when I left them.
when I am already in a game and someone else joins, I still see everything fine, but they do not. Neither of us can click on the grid and move it to back with any effect at all. So I have to "blindly" fix the issue for them by moving the grid to the side, selecting all the pieces and moving them to front then moving the grid back. Then they are fine - everything was fine for me but it fixes it for them.
So it's like the correct settings aren't being sent to the players when they join a game.
We used scype for voice and Infrno for video and the game space. Skype group chat is as fast as a phone and wonderfully clear and free so I'd suggest it for anyone having voice lag issues. There were only 4 of us on last night and of them one's camera wasn't working (local issue), so we didn't get to test the cameras with 5 going, but the 3 we had up worked just fine. Also because one person didn't make it, we didn't have the issue where the dice chat box is missing. Scrolling down to see the bottom of each roll was still annoying, but not nearly as annoying as not being able to roll because you have to many cameras.
With this setup, with the skype and infrno game space, we've found an environment that was really very fun for everyone - we had a great time even with the minor layering issues which, once you're in the game, aren't an issue. And today all the character sheets showed up properly for everyone, but the person I specifically remember having a problem with character sheets last week wasn't in the game last night so nothing final there.
Voice - Voice was our biggest issue and would have killed the games if we had stayed on infrnos voice with the long chat delays. So we all got on Skype and it was awesome, just left it in the background and had no issues. Everything was as real time as the phone (actually heard them on the phone at the same time I heard them on Skype while testing) and crystal clear. Simply perfect. So this fixed our biggest issue which, if it wasn't working properly, would mean we simply couldn't play on infrno.
Video - we only had 3 feeding last night so that might be a problem in the future when we again have 5. However, while video is nice, it's not a game breaker like voice is so if we have to turn it off or if it's choppy, so be it. We'd definitely still play without it.
Layering - It was annoying but once you're in the game and we set it right, it works. So really this is a minor issue in my opinion. So long as we can get it working, a few extra seconds of clicking doesn't matter. Very minor issue easy to resolve quickly.
Die roller - There are still 2 issues with the die roller.
The first and biggest issue is that the die roller disappears when you have 5 players. I read you can possibly scroll wheel down to see the enter field to do it, but i haven't verified as we didn't have 5 people.
The second issue is that when you do a roll, the results don't push up the text scroll bar far enough to see them. I know you can scroll wheel down or slide the bar down to see but that's annoying.
Now here's the thing about the die roller - it's a minor issue to scroll down (if that fixes the 5 camera issue?) and it's easy to do, but the die roller is used so much in game that it really becomes a constant hassle to scroll down to see the results. So in my opinion, while not a game breaker, this was the most annoying issue and should be fixed as soon as you can. None of this is game breaking, we can break out real dice if we absolutely have to, but the die roller is a key feature for us and an important part of role playing so in my opinion these two issues are at the top of the list (now that we have skype working).
Overall, once we had skype going, it really was like role playing with your buddies but one of us was in Boston, 2 in St. Louis and 1 further west somewhere - we all had the "comfy" seat, our own kitchen at hand, nobody had to drive home late and nobody had to clean up after everyone else. With skype we were able to overcome the last technical hurdle that would have killed it for us, so we're excited and looking forward to the next gaming session. The real problem was that I couldn't figure out how to bum a piece of pizza from the guy that had it.